Virtual Summit Series
ECPA members only. Free. Registration required.
Every Thursday, May 14 – June 25, 10AM Central time.
Although we look forward and value our times together, the current situation is preventing our gathering. For such a time as this, ECPA is in a unique position to feature thought leaders who can share relevant information to our membership. ECPA is pleased to introduce the new Virtual Summit Series, a weekly webcast featuring conversations with publishing experts on trends and best practices in the wake of COVID-19.
Hosted by ECPA president Stan Jantz, these one-hour interactive webcasts are designed to share knowledge and information for Christian publishers as they emerge from the current crisis. The Virtual Summit Series will be broadcast live on Thursdays from 10 to 11 am Central time via Zoom beginning on May 14. Each webcast will include a time of Q&A so viewers can ask questions of the special guests.
Through the generous support of our sponsors, ECPA is able to present the Virtual Summit Series at no cost to its members. However, you must register for each webcast in the six-week series.
Here is the schedule of webcasts:

May 14
Consumer Data in Such a Time as This
Featuring Kristen McLean, Executive Director of Business Development at the NPD Group. Kristen will present the most recent consumer book buying trends, offering her usual keen insights and recommendations.

May 21
Reaching Customers in a Time of Crisis: Digital Marketing Innovations
Featuring Kelly Gallagher, VP of Content Acquisition, Ingram Content Group, and Peter McCarthy, Director, Digital Services, Ingram Content Group. Kelly and Pete will discuss the trend toward “verticals” in digital marketing and will offer practical tools publishers can use in this time of rapid change.

May 28
Responding to the Needs of the Church
In this webinar, we will talk with the Trade Group Publisher for B&H Publishing, Devin Maddox—along with Bob Pritchett, president and CEO of Faithlife, and Jesse Myers, Associate Publisher of Lexham Press. Devin, Bob, and Jesse will share their strategies for meeting the needs of the church at this time.

June 4
Innovating on a Dime in a Time of Rapid Change
Featuring Cory Verner, founder and president of ONE Audiobooks; Don Nori, president and CEO of Nori Media Group; Tim Thornborough, founder and publishing director of The Good Book Company; and James Burstow, president of The Good Book Company. Within weeks of the global outbreak of the coronavirus, these publishers responded quickly and creatively to the crisis in digital, audio and print formats. They will share how they did it and why it matters.

June 11
Christian Publishing and Racial Justice
We are in the midst of a second national crisis, one that will not be cured by science. ECPA will present a special webcast to ask and answer the question: How can publishers speak to the issue of racial justice? A panel of leading voices from the Christian publishing and writing community will offer their perspectives on a way forward to a place of hope, healing, and change
Featuring LaDonna Boyd, President & CEO, R.H. Boyd Publishing Corp.; Trillia Newbell, Author of several books and Acquisitions Editor at Moody Publishers; Skot Welch, Founder and President, Global Bridgebuilders; and Jeff Wright, President & CEO, Urban Ministries, Inc.

June 18
The Publishing Supply Chain: Crisis or Opportunity?
Featuring Matt Baehr, Executive Director of the Book Manufacturers Institute; Pete Larson, President and Owner of Bethany Press International; Michael Shea, SVP of Publisher Services, LSC Communications; and Brittyne Lewis, Director of Digital Services, LSC Communications. Four experts in book manufacturing and distribution will share their publishing supply chain insights and forecasts.

June 25
Navigating the Legal Landscape
A conversation with four of the top legal and public policy experts in publishing—two from AAP and two representing ECPA—as they discuss the legal issues facing publishers today and in the future. Featuring: Luisa Simpson, SVP of Global Policy for AAP; Matthew Barblan, VP of Public Policy for AAP; Brian Flagler, Managing Partner, Flagler Law Group; Craig Gipson, Associate, Flagler Law Group.