2019 Photo gallery

    Photos courtesy of Michael Will Productions

    What People Are saying

    • "Excellent speakers… Inspiration off the charts… Enjoyed the group discussion."

      David Morris
      VP and Publisher, HCCP
    • "A perfect balance of encouragement, enrichment, and high-level insights."

      Kim Shurley
      Director of CBA Sales, Group Publishing, Lifetree Division
    • "The speakers were truly great and the networking opportunities very valuable."

      Jeannette Taylor
      Marketing Director, Somersault Group
    • "I've been to a lot of events like this and I rate the Leadership Summit as one of the best. The quality of speakers, networking and thought leadership is second to none."

      Justin Paul Lawrence
      Director of Sales, InterVarsity Press
    • "It had a great focus on our mission as well as thought provoking presentations and helpful information. "

      Jeff Johnson
      President and COO, Tyndale House Publishers
    • "This was the best ECPA event I’ve been to. The connections made and the teachings were invaluable. "

      Cristopher Garrido
      Spanish Publisher, B&H Publishing Group
    • "This is what industry gatherings should be— thoughtful speakers and discussions, networking, encouraging and inspiring and challenging topics that are meaningful to us."

      Barbara Sherrill
      Executive Vice President/Publisher for the McKenzie Group, Harvest House Publishers
    • "Content was valuable and it was great to see industry experts/leaders in dialogue together."

      Doug Lockhart
      Senior Vice President of Bible Marketing and Outreach, HarperCollins Christian Publishing
    • "Leadership Summit was very valuable to me with information I was able to immediately share with my management team. I also met people that I will reach out to in order to help our business grow in the near future."

      Mark Teears
      CEO, New Growth Press
    • "Probably the most productive day and a half that I have spent in a long time. Very well run; great people."

      Brian Allain
      Executive Director, Frederick Buechner Center
    • "I love the concept of Leadership Summit, with its mix of information and inspiration plus networking opportunities."

      Brian Hampton
      Sr. VP & Publisher, HarperCollins Christian Publishers
    • "Leadership Summit is fantastic. The sessions are timely, conversations lively, and takeaways immediate!"

      Randall Payleitner
      Associate Publisher, Moody Publishers
    • "Instructive, insightful, educational..."

      La Verne Tolbert
      VP Editorial, Urban Ministries, Inc.
    • "The content is excellent. The opportunities for networking are perfect."

      Michael LoRusso
      VP, LSC Communications
    • "Leadership Summit offers publishing leaders an opportunity to collaborate and stay informed on new processes, trends, and cultural movements."

      J.D. Bridges
      VP of Sales & Distribution, Reformation Trust Publishing
    • "The industry stats rock!"

      Lori Cloud
      VP of Marketing, HarperCollins Christian Publishers
    • "This was an excellent conference. Well organized, excellent schedule, great presenters, missional, business value, execution—all superb."

      Jennifer Lyell
      VP Trade Publishing, LifeWay Christian Resources/B&H Publishing
    • "The ECPA Leadership Summit offered an exceptional program for leaders of Christian publishers—stimulating speakers, a wealth of statistical data, the upbeat annual awards program, and multiple networking opportunities."

      Paul Hendrickson
      General Manager, Hendrickson Publishers
    • "Lots of excellent content, and plenty of good opportunities for connecting with peers. That's what it's all about."

      Sean Harrison
      President, Black Earth Group
    • "As a first time participant, I found the group welcoming and the sessions full of great information."

      Suzanne Wilson-Higgins
      Managing Director/CEO, Lion Hudson
    • "Great content. It's always good to find out what others in the industry are doing."

      Mark Taylor
      Chairman/CEO, Tyndale House Publishers

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