The ECPA Leadership Summit is where relationships begin and continue among leadership teams in Christian publishing, while learning from world-class experts speaking on current issues and trends important to the industry.


Andy Hunter

Founder & CEO

Jane Friedman

Co-founder and Editor
The Hot Sheet

Uli Chi

Senior Fellow
DePree Center for Leadership

Dr. Bryan Chapell, Ph.D.

Administrative Committee Lead
Presbyterian Church in America

Ben Mandrell

President and CEO

Michele Cobb

Executive Director
Audio Publishers Association

Ben Amundgaard

Vice President
Aquifer Content at BiblioNexus

Matt Tully

SVP, Audio and Book Publishing

Brad Hill

Associate Publisher/Audio
HarperCollins Christian

Mark James

President and Lead Advisor
Performance Advisors Group, Inc.

Sam Richardson

Chief Executive

Michael Johnson

Vice President of Content

Bill Kasdorf

Publishing Consultant on Accessibility; Principal
Kasdorf & Associates

Cory Verner

ONE Audiobooks

Larry Bennett

Executive Director North America
Nord Compo

David Rech

President and Founder

Klaus E. Krogh

CEO and founder

Videl Bar-Kar

Vice President Audio

Jeff Crosby


What People Are saying

  • "Enjoyed many great conversations with leaders across our industry. A nice mix of sessions and networking breaks."

    Sarah Atkinson
    Vice President and Publisher, Tyndale House Publishers
  • "Great time of connecting and listening. Thanks ECPA team!"

    Jesse Myers
    President and CEO, Baker Publishing Group
  • "As a small publisher and first-time attendee, we went in hoping the conference would be an opportunity to learn and network. It was that and more. I was surprised by how willing people are to share information, best practices, and key contacts. There is a real sense of wanting everyone to win, especially new publishers like us."

    Andy Blanks
    CEO and Co-Founder, Iron Hill Press
  • "Networking and maintaining relationships is something I always look forward to at the ECPA Leadership Summit."

    Kathy Krenzien
    Business Development, Nord Compo
  • "Every minute was packed with inspiration, information, and conversation, nothing wasted."

    Leslie Turner
    Owner, Encourage Publishing
  • "Fantastic speakers and sessions -- refreshing and thought-provoking. As always, ECPA put on a great program."

    Steven Wright
    Publisher, Bible League International
  • "Networking, data information, and the reminder that we're all in this together to share God's Word and stories of redemption is reassuring."

    David Schroeder
    Vice President of Marketing – Brands, HarperCollins Christian Publishers
  • "I always enjoy Leadership Summit as so much thought is put into creating a valuable experience: fantastic speakers, plenty of time to network, and speak with vendors."

    John Ribeiro
    Publisher, Hendrickson and Rose Publishing/ Tyndale House
  • "This event is well-organized, has great speakers, and is valuable for networking with colleagues."

    Cindy Riggins
    President, Riggins Rights Management
  • "The sessions are valuable and inspiring. I'm leaving refreshed and challenged to continue doing this ministry work with integrity, conviction, and hope."

    Trillia Newbell
    Acquisitions Director, Moody Publishers
  • "Always enjoy reconnecting with colleagues in the industry and learning from and sharing experiences."

    Mary Burns
    President and CEO, Barbour Publishing
  • "Stellar. The Leadership Summit is of huge value to our organization."

    Bob Hawkins
    President, Harvest House Publishers
  • "Great opportunity to spend useful time with industry colleagues and learn together from some high-quality and thoughtful presentations."

    Anthony Gosling
    COO, 10Publishing
  • "The speakers were truly great and the networking opportunities very valuable."

    Jeannette Taylor
    Director, JET Marketing
  • "This was the best ECPA event I’ve been to. The connections made and the teachings were invaluable."

    Cristopher Garrido
    Spanish Publisher, Harper Collins Christian Publishing
  • "This is what industry gatherings should be— thoughtful speakers and discussions, networking, encouraging and inspiring and challenging topics that are meaningful to us."

    Barbara Sherrill
    Executive VP and Publisher, The McKenzie Group/Harvest House Publishers
  • "Content was valuable and it was great to see industry experts/leaders in dialogue together."

    Doug Lockhart
    SVP Sales and Centralized Marketing, HarperCollins Christian Publishing
  • "Leadership Summit is very valuable to me with information I am able to immediately share with my management team. I also meet people that I can reach out to in order to help our business grow in the near future."

    Mark Teears
    CEO, New Growth Press
  • "Leadership Summit is fantastic. The sessions are timely, conversations lively, and takeaways immediate!"

    Randall Payleitner
    VP of Publishing, Moody Publishers
  • "Leadership Summit offers publishing leaders an opportunity to collaborate and stay informed on new processes, trends, and cultural movements."

    J.D. Bridges
    VP of Sales & Distribution, Reformation Trust Publishing

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